What's Up Next??
A rollicking Irish flavored musical!

Irish, NY 1919 gateway to roaring 20s
Arranged through Tams-Witmark Music Library New York City
Performance Dates February 19-20, 26-27, March 4-5-6, 2011
"Irene" will be staged in the auditorium of At Lakeshore Catholic High School Auditorium, 150 Janet Street, Port Colborne, Ontario a "600 seat theater auditorium". All seats for all performances are reserved at $18 per ticket. Tickets for "Irene" will go on sale December 1, 2010.
The Society's official Ticket agent will be Don & Lisa Gram at
"Crew's Quarters", 192 West Street, Port Colborne. 905-834-5921. (Hours Mon-Sat-10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)
The Story
Originally staged in 1919, it has been revamped and modernized. It is a "Cinderella story" with a happy air and ending. Irene O'Dare works with her widowed mother in a music shop in Irish neighborhood in New York, an Irish lass who believes in women's Lib before the term was invented. She installs the first telephone in her neighborhood. The first ring to tune a piano in swank Long Island impels her to meet her Prince Charming, Donald S. Marshall, who becomes intrigued by this Irish lass. A friend entices him to finance a dress salon run by a wild eccentric Mme. Lucy provided that Irene is the manager. Donald tries to pass Irene off as a contessa to his mother at a society ball held to introduce Mme. Lucy's fashions. Furious, Irene throws him out. Mother O'Dare intervenes and love triumphs over all.

Our Cast
Melinda Fetz
the lead female player "Irene O'Dare" - the turn of the century New York Irish woman who is way ahead of "the times" in seeking independence for women in a male dominant society. It is this fiery spirit that catches the attention of Society-born, straight ivy-leaguer Donald Marshall III. Melinda, a former Port Colbornite, currently resides in Stoney Creek. Melinda first appeared on the Society stage as a lead dancer in "42nd Street" in 2005. She had the support role of Lois Lane (Bianca) in "Kiss Me Kate". The role of "Irene" marks her very first major role for the Society.
Tim Barnai
stars as Donald Marshall III. Raised among New York's high society, Irene is something Marshall is entranced by. She is very different from anyone he has met. Tim resides in Port Colborne. He appeared last year in his first major role for the Society in his realistic portrayal of Cole Porter in "Red, Hot & Cole". He also played the supporting role of The Tinman in "The Wizard of Oz".
James Mowat
stars as "Madame Lucy" - ladies fashion designer of the early 1920s. This will be Jamie's very first top "comedy" role. Just who is this Madame Lucy is the crux of the entire production. Jamie is a Society audience favourite, having portrayed "Daddy Warbucks" in "Annie", The King in "The King & I"; the Strawman in "The WIzard of Oz". This is a coveted role tat has the largest number of candidates. For Jamie, "Madame Lucy" will be his biggest challenge. James is a resident of Welland and has been a Society member since 1968.
Stephanie Menicanin
will be "Geraldine O'Dare", Irene's very old fashioned Irish mother who wants only the best for her only daughter and has her own way of achieving it. Once again for Stephanie the characterization of a comic will be a new challenge. Possessing a beautiful voice, Stephanie will be using it in a very different manner to portray this Irish "mom". A little bit of dancing, a lot of singing and a barrel of laughs describes Geraldine O'Dare. Stephanie is Music Director at St. Kevin's church in Welland and is a resident of Fenwick.
Supporting Roles
Supporting roles in the cast sees newcomers Emily Denney as "Helen Burke", Katelyn Landers as "Jane McFudd"; Bill Marshall as "Jimmy"; Dennis Beach as "Ozzie Babson"; Lauryn Klukach as "Arabella"; Joel Mowat as "Clarkson"; Cecile Descoeurs as "Mrs. Emmilie Marshall".

Our Directors
Heather Alvin
- Stage/Drama Director - Heather is a a life member of the society, former president and treasurer of the Board of Directors, cast member as singer, dancer in many society productions. Technically-costume head, stage props, make up, lighting. Stage Director, "Red, Hot & Cole". Employee-Oskam Steel Fabricators. Resident of Port Colborne.
Faye Bean
- Music / Choral Director - Retired school teacher. Music director for Society shows since 2003 includes "My Fair Lady"; "Carousel"; "Calamity Jane"; "42nd Street"; "Kiss Me Kate"; "The Melody Lingers On"; "Wizard of Oz"; "Red, Hot & Cole" Singer with Harbor Lights choir, former member Robert Wood Singers. Resident of Fort Erie.
Donna Moreau
- Choreographer - Dance instructor with "Dance Expressions"; Member Canadian Dance Teachers Association. Tap and jazz (stage division) Choreographer for Society's first "Irene (1982)"; "Crazy For You"; "The Melody Lingers On"; "The Wizard of Oz"; "Red, hot & Cole." Resident of Port Colborne. Has been with the society as a dancer/choreographer since a teenager.
Behind The Scenes
Stage Manager; Mrs. Jackie Crawford 905-834-9406 |
Lighting: Mr. Bryan Biller 905-735-8051 |
Costumes: Mrs. Grace Place 905-894-1103 |
Stage Properties: Mrs. Pat Ballin 905-834-9307 |
Set Designer/Scenic Artist: Mr. Jim Crawford 905-834-9406 |
President: Deb Montesanti
905-834-4707 |
Sound: Mr. Ivan Plamondon 905-735-9118 |
Stage Make-up: Mrs. Anita Mayne 905-834-7094 |

Community Partners
The Society has been offering an opportunity for local business and individuals to support the annual musical by supporting a performance. If you would like to get on the Society's support wagon by becoming a COMMUNITY PARTNER, JUST GET IN TOUCH! The Society is a registered charity 832443675R0001. You will receive a charitable receipt for tax purposes; two tickets to "your" night; a public acknowledgement in our programme and in our Lobby Showcase, and an audio announcement before opening curtain. If you are interested please contact the society at 905-834-9318 or e-mail jd.ruiter@cogeco.ca or by fax 905-834-8955 or mail to Box 383, Port Colborne, Ontario, L3K 1B7
Major Community Partners:

The Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Government of Ontario, has provided a grant to the Society permitting us to make washroom renovations and provide a new roof on our facility at Bethel Harmony Hall, making the building a healthier, stable structure within our community. The Society is extremely grateful to the Foundation for their support.

For information, call:
905-834-9318/905-834-9307 |
(Port Colborne) |
905-894-1103 |
(Fort Erie) |
905-774-4984 |
(Dunnville) |
905-734-3840 |
(Welland) |
905-356-1149 |
(Niagara Falls) |